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     Barangay 1 is located at the northwest coast of Bacolod City. It’s bounded on the north by Barangay Banago, on the northeast by the Barangay Mandalagan, on the east by the Barangay 5, on the southeast by the barangay 4, on the south by Barangay 3, on the southwest by the Barangay 2 and on the west, by the Guimaras Strait.


     Barangay 1 has the total land area of 28.446 hectares including streets and is composed of 9 puroks namely: Bolinao, Tanguege, Lison, Ylac, Tuna, Barracuda, Bonito, Bangrus, and Bulgan


     Purok Ylac and Purok Bulgan are located at the northern part of Barangay 1, has a land area of more or less than 1.782 hectares and 5.32 hectares respectively. On the northwest coast of Barangay 1, are Purok Bolinao and Purok Tanguege which has a land area of more or less than 0.356 hectares and 0.35 hectares respectively. On the northeast is Purok Bangrus with a land area of more or less than 2.083 hectares. Purok Tuna which is in the center of Barangay 1 has a land area of more or less than 4.126 hectares. On the eastern side is Purok Barracuda with a land area of 6.075 and on the South is Purok Bonito with a land area of 5.866 hectares. Squatters’ area has 4.976 hectares and private area has 23.47 hectares.


     Barangay 1 has a total population of 6,313 basing on the present survey with a total of 956 households. Purok Bolinao has a total population of 1,207 and 199 households, Purok Tanguege has a total of 1,201 and 196 households, Purok Lison has 852 and 165 households, Purok Ylac 790 and 116 households, Purok Bulgan has 373 and has 46 households, Purok Tuna has 645 and 74 households, Purok Bangrus 773 and has 178 households and Purok Bonito has 468 and 165 households.


     Labor force or occupation varies such as follows: 30% of which holds different professions such as Teachers, Nurses, Doctors, Accountants, Engineers and big or small Businessmen. 40% are fishermen and market vendors while 30% belonged to self-employed such as figurine making, knitting, and sari-sari store owners.


     Due to rapid growth of population of Barangay 1, we envisioned to give proper education to parents with regards to the family planning program, livelihood projects and to enable them to acquire a lot of their own thru community mortgage program, five years from now.

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