The Barangay has population of 2,485 people, female outnumber the males. There are 297 households, the family size is 5 and population density is 127 people/has. The population is relatively young. The young constitute 700 plus of the population with ages from 1 – 24 years, 850 plus belong to married couples with ages from 25-49 and then remaining belong to 50 years old and above or the senior citizens or elderly group. The population is unevenly distributed among the 14 puroks. The people are pre-dominantly ilonggos and mostly Roman Catholics.
They have varied occupations, gainful workers are the professionals, public and private sector employees and some are engaged in business and other gainful endeavors. Non-gainful workers are then housekeepers, students and pensioners.
Registered voters in the last elections is 913.