Barangay 6
"The Pala-Pala "
Development cannot only be achieved in improving or modernizing the infrastructure of a certain place or of a particular area. But also, with the concept of "participations" of the people must be encourage ad be activated ij any undertaking and proposed actvity.
Participation is concerned with the production of knowledge, new directions and new modes of the organization.
People must be given leeway to voice what they have in mind in order to achieved development decision. Their access and their share to resources and benefits respectively can also be achieved if they religiously invlved themselves in te efforts to evaluate such programs.
So therefore, we officials of our dearly beloved Barangay 6, adopt the concept of development process by encouraging the active participation of our people.
This means that they must be sensitized so that their ability and receptivity to respond to any program and project are increased. Their confidence and solidarity among themselves are being built. With un corruptible intent on the part of participants, especially on the economic dimension of community; developments progress with the help an guidance of the Almighty God, these can be achieved.
Lastly, our goal and objective is to organized people, aiming to diagnose their needs, identify and analyze the causes of their problems, plan and act together and enable them to fulfill their roles in the organization or associations as effective as possible.